Monday, August 24, 2009

Galati Kiski


  1. every poem of yours "virah vedna ko darsha rahi hai".That's really surprising, a crying heart sprout such an enigmatic ideas but a strong head does not even give u enough courage to say a simple 3 word sentence.
    To pen down your thought, makes u a bit relaxed .Hope in future we will see more poem of some different tone.

  2. Dude.. these peoms were written in year 2003. These poems do not reflect my present state of mind.. But, yes you might have something from me in a different tone in a few days..

  3. u knw pratyush even i wanted to ask.....wen u wrote dis poem....were u really goin thrugh dat phase???(i mean virah vedna and all....)
    on a whole.....ur evry poem is v sweet and soothing....but m really waiting for that poem which u recited in school...if u remem..

  4. yes sir.. I very much remember.. sunanda, sarda, manojit, ronak and u made me recite that poem on the pretext of some school function.. I have d poem with me.. but, do not get time to type it in Hindi font and upload..
